
Contractor registration requirements

If you're a contractor doing work for us and you're unsure which registration or authorisation process to follow, complete the short quiz below.

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Is it a site visit only? (No physical works)

Note: Physical work means tasks that require someone to do work on items within that location and that would require the use of their hands or tools.

Read the Quick Reference Instruction (QRI)

QRIs have been developed to aid in the safety of the worker when undertaking tasks.

The following QRI outlines the requirements for a visitor to a Horizon Power Operational site that will not physically undertake work. Among other things, the visitor must be accompanied by an authorised responsible person (Horizon Power Employee or Contractor) who is authorised for the area they are to access.

For further support, please contact your Horizon Power representative.

Which of the following best describes the nature of your work?


  • Contractor Type A – is a contractor filling an approved FTE position that would otherwise be performed by an employee directly engaged under HP employment conditions.
  • Contractor Type B – is a contractor who is performing work that is temporary in nature. Work is generally Business As Usual (BAU) and normally engaged via Labour hire.


It looks like you need to speak with our Technical Training team

Leave us your details and we'll get back to you soon. 

Is the work a prescribed or specified activity?


  • Prescibed/ Specified activity - An activity carried out in the course of the construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance or decommissioning of Horizon Power’s in-service network assets (referred to as a prescribed activity) or in-service generation assets (referred to as a specified activity).
  • Non-prescribed/Non-specified: A full list of non-prescribed/non-specified activities can be found here.
Is the work undertaken as a complex project / appointed principal contractor?

You need to complete the Contractor Authorisation Process

This process was designed for those that work on or near the generation and network assets with regards to production and transport of electricity.

What happens next?

Complete the online form and your Horizon Power representative will review your request and get back to you shortly. 


It looks like your work is related to a Complex Project or appointed Principal Contractor

You need to get in touch with our Contractor Authorisation team to discuss next steps. Leave us your details and we'll get back to you shortly. 

Is the work in a Horizon Power area that is surrounded by fencing and/or an enclosure?

You need to complete the Contractor Registration Process

The contractor self-managed registration process was designed for those that work on support assets, such as cleaning, gardening, an electrician doing electrical work at our depots etc.

Based on the answers you gave us, we've identified you fall under the Residential Property Works classification. 

What happens next?

Please complete the online registration form

Is the person to be escorted by a competent and authorised person?

Read the Quick Reference Instruction (QRI)

QRIs have been developed to aid in the safety of the worker when undertaking tasks.

The following QRI outlines the requirements for an escorted person undertaking non-prescribed or non-specified activities at Horizon Power, in Non-operational or Operational areas. Examples of non-prescribed or non-specified activities include the servicing of a photocopier machine, providing quotation, building maintenance or workshop fire protection alarm panel inspection etc.

For further support, please contact your Horizon Power representative.

You need to complete the Contractor Registration Process

The contractor self-managed registration process was designed for those that work on support assets, such as cleaning, gardening, an electrician doing electrical work at our depots etc.

Based on the answers you gave us, we've identified you fall under one of the following works classifications:

  • Commercial Property (Offices/Depots) or
  • Commercial Property (Substation/Generation) 

What happens next?

Please complete the online registration form

Horizon Power acknowledges the Traditional Custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images, names or voices of deceased people.